Cinema 4D.1
Cinema 4D.1 from John Brown on Vimeo.
This was the initial introduction to the Cinema 4D software as it was a programme that we only covered in one session is last years process and production. The workshop started by downloading the briefs and instruction off of unilearn, which instructed us to create a text or vector based image in illustrator which we had to export as an illustrator 7 file in order for it to be compatible with the 4D software there we no size limitation for this because the 4D software has an infinite canvas to work on however I designed it on an A4 canvas as smaller scale is always easier to work on.
Once the flat illustrator file had been imported into Cinema 4D it was a case of turning a 2D shape into three dimensions. Using the block tool you must select each layer and drag the shape in the direction that you wish the object to extend ie. Down the X axis this gives the objects depth. I didnt want the two layers of my word to have the same thickness so the bottom block is thick and the top text layer is thin and centered above the bottom.
To add colour or texture to an object you must create a style in the bottom tool bar using the colour selection bar that is on the right hand side of the screen. This is a helpful way to colour an object because you are just creating a layer style this means if you have a large amount of layers you can just click on the style to apply it speeding up the process.
Once the objects looked like we wanted we needed to create some lighting inside our scenario. When creating light it is important to position it right on the axis to make sure it creates shadows in a realistic manor. This means adjusting the brightness in order to control the colour and strength of the shadow that is being cast behind the shape.
The next step in the process was adding the 'animation' which just involves a static camera and the movement of the object itself.
Overall I enjoyed learning the basic steps in the Cinema 4D software as it isn't something I have ever used. The versatility of it is really surprising and the fact that the possibilities are endless I think that it would be good to create mock ups in a programme like this because you can import textures that you wrap around the objects that you create. This means you can make realistic prototypes to present your work.
This was the initial introduction to the Cinema 4D software as it was a programme that we only covered in one session is last years process and production. The workshop started by downloading the briefs and instruction off of unilearn, which instructed us to create a text or vector based image in illustrator which we had to export as an illustrator 7 file in order for it to be compatible with the 4D software there we no size limitation for this because the 4D software has an infinite canvas to work on however I designed it on an A4 canvas as smaller scale is always easier to work on.
Once the flat illustrator file had been imported into Cinema 4D it was a case of turning a 2D shape into three dimensions. Using the block tool you must select each layer and drag the shape in the direction that you wish the object to extend ie. Down the X axis this gives the objects depth. I didnt want the two layers of my word to have the same thickness so the bottom block is thick and the top text layer is thin and centered above the bottom.
To add colour or texture to an object you must create a style in the bottom tool bar using the colour selection bar that is on the right hand side of the screen. This is a helpful way to colour an object because you are just creating a layer style this means if you have a large amount of layers you can just click on the style to apply it speeding up the process.
Once the objects looked like we wanted we needed to create some lighting inside our scenario. When creating light it is important to position it right on the axis to make sure it creates shadows in a realistic manor. This means adjusting the brightness in order to control the colour and strength of the shadow that is being cast behind the shape.
The next step in the process was adding the 'animation' which just involves a static camera and the movement of the object itself.
Overall I enjoyed learning the basic steps in the Cinema 4D software as it isn't something I have ever used. The versatility of it is really surprising and the fact that the possibilities are endless I think that it would be good to create mock ups in a programme like this because you can import textures that you wrap around the objects that you create. This means you can make realistic prototypes to present your work.