Cinema 4D.2

Dynamic textures from John Brown on Vimeo.

The first new exploration in the c4d studio was dynamic surfaces in both 2 & 3 dimensions, creating a 2D floor layer was the first step-in the sequence. Animating this as show above gave a dynamic bubbling effect that when combined with colour overlays gives random shape generations that when screenshot in stills can be used as pattern for other projects. As a development from this task I have used the patterns that I created in the workshop where we created our own branding after 3D modelling beer bottles and cans. The abstract patterns and colours were perfect for the independent brewery branding that I wanted to design. I changed the Hugh and saturation on a few of them to play around with the colours for example the purple to reflect maybe the contents being dark berries or a flavour of the drink inside. I think that its beneficial to use thinks that we make in the process workshops in other tasks as the tutors are truing to teach us skills that we can use across all of our studies and not just leave them as they are after we finish with them in the studio. The idea of random pattern generation is good to me as I'm always stuck for ideas on how to fill certain spaces in logo's that need something a little bit more bold than a solid colour. By adjusting the setting within C4D I can also change the way the patterns form to see how this will affect the outcome.

Shapes in a tunnel from John Brown on Vimeo.

The second part of the workshop was working with 3D moving objects and tools that make shapes dynamic. We created a hollow cylinder and with scaling effects we lengthened it and twisted it so that when you look from one cross section to another the tube twists around like a vortex. Next we had to create the balls which are just standard sphere shapes however the fill effects for the colour are slightly different for this as we wanted them to reflect and refract the light correctly to make them look more realistic you do this by adding a luminance effect onto the shape in the settings . This just gave them shadows and reflections as if they were made from glass with a light shining on them. If you play the animation you can see that the balls looks like they are shooting out of something this is called a particle emitter, this acts almost like a gun in which it shoots a desired amount of the duplicate shape out an disperses them across the scene but because we had shot them down a tube they bounced off the walls and created a nice short animation.
Postmodernism from John Brown on Vimeo.

The final animation that we made was using the particle emitter again but we played with the controls slightly more as you can see, the shapes that you see in this video are layered onto of each other like there on a pile at the bottom and the get blown towards you. We could enter the regulations for this and how we wanted them to animate it was also fun to switch the colours around slightly to see how it changes the tone of the animation. The text was a static layer which meant it does not move for the whole film but I actually think this look more professional as it highlights the title of the animation and the style we were meant to be working in.

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