The Poster

At the beginning of this workshop nick gave each of us a fortune cookie that we had to break to find a quote inside of. Using the type faces spread across the table we had to cut out the letters in order to make the quote in a 'new' type face. As we didn't know what the second part of the task was going to be I decided to be really abstract with the composition of my work I tried to use lots of different type faces that had difference characteristics this is because I had considered the idea that we might use this part of the work as inspiration for the next and I didn't want my options to be limited. I like the aesthetic that the work gives off as the random letter placement is abstract and free formed it reminds me of a news paper or a scrap book. I think it embodies the hand made quality that nicks work shop aim to promote.

The second part of the work shop was a group project where we had to collaborate with other designers in the room and create a typographical expression that used song lyrics that we got to pick from a selection we picked...
'Home is where I want to be
Pick me up and turn me round
I feel numb - born with a weak heart
I guess I must be having fun
The less we say about it the better
Make it up as we go along 
Feet on the ground
Head in the sky'

Because we knew how long it could possibly take us to execute the lyrics properly we started to gather the letter together pretty fast and begin to cut them out. We had them arranged and then began to stick down a long time before the end of the session because we stuck to a simple layout as the amount of words we had to fit on the paper was quite a lot. We actually finished a lot earlier than expected and Nick suggested we added some flare into the design somewhere in order to improve the quality of the end product. There was a collection of yellow balloons in the studio we we though we could use a colour accent/backdrop to take some photographs with however the poster is that large it covered it all up. To make some of the colour shine through the poster we cut shapes below some letters and words to highlight important parts of the song lyrics. The effect works really well because it looks like a drop shadow on the text but the contrast with the bright colour against the black and white works really well.

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