Making meme's

During todays lecture we were challenged to create political meme's out of picture of figures from the world of politics. Our first one was Donald trump and we wanted to express some of his opinions through our work but also tie it in with the actual image. He looks like he is pointing at something here and saying something so we picked the phrase from the famous film mean girls 'You can't sit with us' it is a sassy quote used with attitude between a bunch of teenage girls. We also added make up to the photo as it is almost a revenge way of showing my disagreement to Trumps opinion on homosexual marriage within the USA and how he has dealt with that.

The second image we used was on of Nicola Sturgen who is the leader of the SNP and the promoter of the election to remove Scotland from the UK. It was pretty obvious the route I was going to go down here as the image only leads in one direction. 'Shh don't tell theresa' is a cheeky little quote with reference to possibly having another referendum to try get away from the UK.

I think the whole theory behind a 'meme' has almost developed as a way of using really basic graphic design to express opinion in a more subtle way, by adding a comedic value to an image people don't get as easily offended when people express how they feel which I do find interesting as I see it as a blanket or a disguise.

The skill also links in with the lecture we did on deconstruction as well in a way but instead of deconstructing the psychical image we do it with the effect or the meaning. It makes you look further into the image more at facial expressions and visual aids surrounding them trying to pick up on something in which you can use against them. You look for under laying themes or stories that may not be present at face value it takes time to understand.

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