12/12/16 (Deconstruction)
During this seminar we looked into the deconstruction of fonts, we were given the same font in light, bold, italic etc. Our task was to deconstruct the type and create something new, it could of been a new font or just artistic nothing ledge able was actually necessary. I did go down the font route in one aspect because the things are formed are letter but it's not something that id class as a usable font. I have a keen interest in logos/iconography so I thought this exercise would help develop basic ideas for icons. I really like the O that has been distorted on a diagonal axis because its simple enough to distinguish the letter but it's also becoming a shape or an object the sharp edges almost enhance the shape putting it into a sense of movement. I also like the lower case 'a' because it's split into 3 sections, there is multiple options for the manipulation of this shape which I really like. It's dynamic it could move or animate, the illusion of movement in text is really important to me it helps to develop emotions or reactions between language and text.
We took this task further in our Process and production workshop with Rob when we used these image and the skill set from the lecture to deconstruct the type face helvetica and turn it into a publication (http://jwb-design.blogspot.co.uk/2017/04/john-helvetica-publication.html) I have attached a link to the blog post and then the initial ideas that we had for them below. I started very literally literally started the deconstruct different letters from the typeface to use on the cover but then I change the way I was using the text and began to present it and express it in other ways as evidenced below, this was a collaborative project as well so not all of it was my work.
We took this task further in our Process and production workshop with Rob when we used these image and the skill set from the lecture to deconstruct the type face helvetica and turn it into a publication (http://jwb-design.blogspot.co.uk/2017/04/john-helvetica-publication.html) I have attached a link to the blog post and then the initial ideas that we had for them below. I started very literally literally started the deconstruct different letters from the typeface to use on the cover but then I change the way I was using the text and began to present it and express it in other ways as evidenced below, this was a collaborative project as well so not all of it was my work.
I also used this task as one of my development posts on the blog and website for process and production https://brown34.wixsite.com/process & http://jwb-design.blogspot.co.uk/2017/05/development-2-helvetica-publication.html. I further developed my idea into an actual mock up of a publication that expresses the ideas we all had about text deconstruction which developed from the first theory lecture